September 26, 2024


Basically first thing you need to know in selecting your safety gloves, is to asses the risk you might encountered on the task. Your workplace can have many hazards to your hands whether from cut, impact, chemicals, burns and even simple sparks.

Below are the list of gloves and their appropriate application according to the National Safety Council:

  • Cotton and Fabric Gloves – These can keep hands clean and protect against abrasions, but may not be strong enough to handle work with rough or sharp materials.

  • Fabric Coated Gloves – This type of glove can provide protection against some moderate concentrated chemicals. They can be used in laboratory work provided they are strong enough to protect against the specific chemical being handled.

  • Rubber, Plastic or Synthetic Gloves – This type of gloves can be used when cleaning or working with oils, solvents, and other chemicals.

  • Leather Gloves – These should be used when welding, as the leather can resist sparks and moderate heat. The risk of cuts and abrasions also can be minimized by wearing leather gloves.

  • Kevlar Gloves – These have a wide variety of industrial applications. They are cut- and abrasion-resistant and provide protection against both heat and cold.
  • Chemical / Liquid-Resistant Gloves – Several types of gloves help protect against specific chemicals:Butyl rubber gloves: nitric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and peroxide

    Natural latex/rubber gloves: water solutions or acids, alkalis, salts, and ketones

    Neoprene gloves: hydraulic fluids, gasoline, alcohols and organic acids

    Nitrile rubber gloves: chlorinated solvents

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